Hey Girl, Hey!
Its, Kadesha. I am so happy you found us! I am currently on a journey to become the best version of myself and have created tools and templates for those on the same journey! I am saving for my first home and becoming the woman of my dreams through setting spiritual, fitness, financial, and self-care goals. While goal setting for the new year, I realized I wanted to track my goals in a format other than my planner and vision board. While those are great, I wanted something a little more hands-on. So I handmade a savings kit to help me save for my first home and thought I would share it with those on TikTok that cared to listen.
Well.... 1.3 million views later, HerPlusGoals was born! I started making handmade savings kits and the rest was history. (Showout to GOD for telling me to share my creativity).
If you currently have a goal or something you are trying to achieve, the best way to do that is to write it down and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2-3)! Check out some of our printables, digital planners, and goal-setting kits. I pray the material and products we share here gets you closer to your goals.
Patience, Consistency & Organization
I truly believe that with a little patience, consistency, and organization we can all achieve our personal, financial, and spiritual goals. So, if you are ready to put your goals first, you are in the right place!
Financial Goal Kits
We all are striving to save, budget and make sure we are achieving our financial goals. Whether you are saving for a big purchase or trying to get a hold of your spending, check out our financial goal setting tools to help you along the way!
Self - Love & Journaling
It can be hard to make time for ourselves and give the effort that we give others. Journaling, self-reflection, self-care and solo dating are all ways you can choose to prioritize yourself! You are worthy of the love you give to others. Self-Love and refelection KitsCOMING SOON!
Beginner - Friendly
Our products are for those in all phases of your goals., so we haveStarter KitsandUltimate Kitsto choose from.We also have short step-by-step guides and video tutorials showing how to set up, download or customize your products. Happy Goal Setting!